Thursday, January 15, 2009

January 15, 2009

WOW! I've been horrible about writing on this. Where to start....A week ago I had traffic class b/c I'm a bad citizen and got a speeding ticket for going 10 over. I took the course so I wouldn't get points toward my license. It was 4 hours monday and tuesday and we watched movies and took quizzes. It was HORRIBLE!! Oh well, I'm just glad its done and over. I did miss one question.....where should your hands be when driving. I put 10 and 2.....nope NOT RIGHT!!! Its 8 and 4 now. WTF! When did this happen. I just took drivers ed 7 years ago. SHEESH.

Nate bartended this past weekend and made some extra cash b/c he has to get new tires this month. I went and saw Bride Wars with my mommy and went and worked 4 hrs w/ Debbie so we could catch up on things. Bride Wars was soo cute and funny. I definitely recommend it to anyone. We drug my dad too which was kinda funny.

Big news! I'm working days now. Monday thru Friday 6am-2pm. Its great to have my weekends but I get payed less money, I have to wake up sooo early, and I have to come to work 2 extra days. Other than that I love having my weekends with Nathan and Dexter and my nights at home to hang out and cook dinner and stuff.

My mom and I saw twilight w/ Samantha (my bro's gf) on Monday night. I'm on the fourth book now. I love the series!! I'm surprised. I really was not looking forward to reading it and thought I would be bored w/ it but after the first book I was hooked. The movie wasn't as good as the book like always but it was nice to see how they portrayed all the characters and stuff. Just little stuff bothers me like in the book the Cullens live in a big white the movie its like a wooden house w/ all these huge windows. WEIRD! Its not like some things they couldn't help but skipping or changing due to time constraints....but they couldn't find a big white house in the forrest to live in !?? seriously ppl! lol.

I went to the dentist tuesday and have a cavity UGH!! I have to get it filled next tuesday. This sucks. :-( Bridgette came over tuesday and we talked for hours and our dogs played and it was just really nice to see her and catch up on things.

My brother and his fellow cops found a 1 year old(ish) female Rottweiler while on duty and they can't find the owner or anything so today after work I'm going to get her and take her to get groomed and get fecal test, shots, and bloodwork to see if she is okay and then Dexter will have a mate :-) I'll post pics as soon as I can. I hope they get along!!

Other than that, nothing much is up. I had a phone interview today for a position at our Hazelwood campus. It went well so I hope to hear from her soon about setting up a face to face interview. I love that they have flexible start hours and summer hours. WOOHOO! This friday Nate and I are celebrating my bday with my Carlinville friends. Jackie, Marcus, Kristy and Stephen are coming down and we are going to the Melting Pot. I'm sooo excited. The food is so amazing (but expensive) and I'm going to be favorite part is dessert :-)

Gotta get back to work :-) More to come.....

1 comment:

  1. Flex hours, summer hours!? No fair! Good luck, again, you can use me as a reference if you need too....although I will hate if you leave the lab.... :-(

    A cavity, shame on you!
